Ways to Preserve Your Sanity as a Photography Business Owner

Burning the candle at both ends? Here are some tips and tricks to beat the grind and free up your life again as a photography business owner.

There is a lot that goes into this business - as a northern Utah photographer, trust me, I get it. You are first a photographer, but also a business owner, secretary, editor, creative, social media manager, coordinator, stylist, location scout, influencer, website creator and manager, posing guide, book keeper, tax accountant and so MUCH MORE! Here are some ways to take your life back and find peace in the business of it all!

  1. Set Aside Time to Rest

As a small business owner you can be overcome with responsibility and workload. Be sure to set aside a day off, or time in the morning or afternoon to just have some peace in your life or do what you love!

When you are working sun up to sun down, you may not burn out if you are lucky, but your creativity and intrinsic motivation for your passion may lessen or die. Be sure to give yourself quality time!

2. Accept Help

When I started out, I put everything on my own two shoulders and tried to be superwoman, BUT the most successful business owners I know are never working alone. They have their family, friends and community behind them.

Allow people to help you. Outsource some of the workload. Ask for reviews from your friends and family. Don’t be afraid to ask for and welcome support.

If you are pretty independent like I was, here are some ideas where you can accept help!

With Funds

  • Get a copy write for blogs, emails, website captions, so on

  • Outsource editing

  • Hire a virtual assistant

  • Hire a website manager

Without Funds

  • Have your partner cull the awkward photos for you (eyes closed, sneezing, awkward poses)

  • Have your family and friends use you for photography and write reviews on your pages

  • Have support crew pass out your card

  • Have your family help you with a stylized shoot or workshop you are hosting

  • Have friends share your page on social media

3. Rejuvinate

Do whatever helps you feel your best! For some people this is a vacation without bringing their camera, for others it is getting out in nature or resting.

For me personally, I love doing creative things that inspire me, like setting up a photoshoot for my family to preserve my memories for once. Or doing a retreat with other photographers that inspire me. OR including not just business items on my social media platforms but personal parts of who I am. That way I can better connect with people who follow me and have the room to be myself.

Just remember don’t sweat the small stuff and prioritize your needs to be the best version of yourself - not just in your business but in your life!


Western Retreat hosted by Shy Photography


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