Tips for Photographing SLC Cherry Blossoms: Utah Capitol Building

The Japanese tradition of “Hanami,” or flower viewing, can be celebrated in SLC, UT - believe it or not! Make your picnic and head to the Utah Capitol Building to enjoy the springtime cherry blossoms with your family and friends! In fact, while you’re at it, make it a photoshoot! Here are some tips to know before you go!


The best time to plan your visit to the Utah Capitol Building for cherry blossoms is usually from late March to early April. Of course, this can vary slightly from year to year so be sure to keep an eye on the weather!

2. Avoid Planning a Photoshoot on the LDS General Conference Weekend

The LDS Church holds General Conference at the beginning of April every year in SLC. Be sure to avoid planning your photoshoot during this time. A lot of people come from out of town and Temple Square and the UT Capitol Building become so crowded.

TRUST ME! I have mistakenly scheduled a shoot during this time before, and it was so packed at the Capitol Building! Unfortunately, I probably gave myself 10 extra hours of editing all of the people out of the background of my photos. It was terrible. So, if possible, plan around the LDS general conference weekend at the beginning of April!

3. Cherry Blossoms and More

Not only does the Capitol Building boast gorgeous springtime blossoms, but its also got a grand staircase (inside and outside), beautiful pavilions, doors, city views and amazing sunsets. If you find the blossoms are too crowded, use the building and other views to shoot at until crowds clear up!

Hope to see you under the cherry blossoms at the Utah State Capitol!



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