Shooting Your First Wedding | Tips from a Utah Wedding Photographer

You’re fresh to the photography scene, but you’ve done your research, and practiced shooting again, again, and AGAIN. THE NEXT STEP? SHOOTING YOUR FIRST WEDDING.

You’ve done your second shooting, gotten your gear, and now you are ready for the big leagues!

First of all, congrats
This is such a big step in your career, and I am so proud of you! 

All of us wedding photographers have been in your shoes. We have all started somewhere. You know the content of this day is important, and you are a bit nervous and don’t want to mess up. There is no going back to reshoot.


Here are some tips and tricks from a Northern Utah photographer that will help alleviate some of the bumps and bruises that happen to a newbie as you start on your journey of shooting your first wedding!


What to Bring for Shooting
Your First Wedding

Trust me, you are gonna want these items in your life when you are at a wedding all day! They have become staples in my bag every time I go shoot a wedding.


ONE | A Wrist Watch 

You may think an iPhone is enough to have the time, but it is a pain to pull in and out of your pocket or camera bag when you have to keep a tight schedule for wedding day photos… Especially for unplugged weddings!

You’re gonna want to bring a watch on your wrist that is easily accessible since you will be carrying your gear.


TWO | A Water Bottle 

A wedding day takes a lot of energy, a lot of moving around, and coordinating lots of people.

I always find that I am getting dehydrated on these busy days because who remembers to schedule water breaks? Make sure to pack your water bottle – you will thank me later!


THREE | Chapstick/Pocket Lotion

This one might be a personal taste, but I absolutely hate having dry hands or chapped lips!

Wedding days dehydrate you, so you are going to want to pack some moisture! Just getting rid of little annoyances will help you focus on the task at hand and feel your best!


FOUR | Deodorant

For obvious reasons… you are moving around a LOT!

To get those perfect angles and shots you will be having your arms up a lot so just as a precaution, carry a travel-size spray or stick of deodorant in your bag for those moments you just need a lil’ refresher.


FIVE | Snacks

I know that most wedding hosts will offer you food during the reception, but you are going ALL DAY.

Pack the snacks for the moments when no food is provided.

Some weddings are in hot or freezing temperatures and these snacks will help you from feeling faint as you expend a lot of energy providing the best day for your client!


Check the weather to make sure you’re packing the right snack for the occasion. You wouldn’t want it to be a hot day and find out your chocolate bar has melted – now that would break me.

Shooting Your First Wedding | Tips from a Utah Wedding Photographer

Camera Tips for Shooting
Your First Wedding

The bride and groom are giving their vows. Tears start to flow from the eyes of the guests and then all of a sudden they hear a “BEEP, SHUTTER”; “BEEP, SHUTTER”; “BEEP, SHUTTER.”

Moment kinda ruined, right?

Avoid being a noisy photographer by putting your camera in silent mode. When your sound setting for shooting is not disabled, you can take away from the beauty of the moment in front of you.

I use a Canon EOS R where the “BEEP” noise can be turned off as well as the shutter for shooting. I’m always sure to turn off both to silently capture moments like the ceremony and vows.


Not sure what to use for your reception lighting in dark spaces and you don’t have the funds to support an entire lighting setup yet? Trust me, we’ve all been there. One thing you can purchase is the MagSphere 2 for your flash for just $59.95. 

As stated on their website:

“The MagSphere 2 instantly transforms the harsh light of your flash into a soft, omnidirectional, bare-bulb light source. Increases the size of your light-emitting surface by over 250% for a softer glow over a bigger area.”


This way you don’t have lighting setups in the background of your photos, that take a lot of editing to remove, and you also have lots of light in the darker spaces that do not appear so harsh with just a bare flash. The MagSphere 2 also doesn’t break the bank.

Most importantly, be sure to bring backup batteries for your flash! 

Shooting Your First Wedding | Tips from a Utah Wedding Photographer

My Best Tip as a
Wedding Photographer

My last tip is to be confident, and if you’re not, fake it until you make it!

When you are first starting out you are probably charging less and offering more of your photography services. A lot of times though, people will try to take advantage of your time! Listen closely, do not budge.


If you have a family trying to get you to do their family photos during a wedding (THAT IS NOT THE FAMILY OF THE BRIDE) make sure you prioritize the bride and groom’s wishes, know your worth, and don’t give away your skills for free.

You are valuable! You have a unique set of skills and a unique editing style! Again, know your worth and value your time!

Now get out there and make MAGIC!




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