4 Tips for Shooting a Wedding on a Frigid Winter Day!

You know those miserable winter days where you hands dry out, your ears and nose turn red, the cold seeps into your bones and it is just painful to be outside? Here are some tips from a Northern Utah Photographer to add some warmth and comfort on a frigid winter day shoot!

  1. Bring a Blanket

You can direct your couple to bring a blanket that can be incorporated in the shoot to tell the story of their special day AND it is perfect for down time in between shoots to warm up as well! HotHands hand warmers are great, too!

2. In Camera or in Post: Add in the Warmth

Especially on a cold winter day, I like to shoot in Kelvin and crank up the heat. Lighting on these cold days generally tends to be more gray and blue tones, so by cranking up the temperature in camera I can see, a little closer, what my final product will look like.

For romantic shoots, like a beautiful wedding day, warmth always gives the photos a more intimate and glowing feel. I feel like it better tells the story of love and romance.

If you prefer not to worry about shooting in Kelvin, you can always bump up the Temperature and Tint in post!

3. Ditch the Red Ears and Noses!

In the left photo above you will notice that the grooom’s ears and nose were starting to get red from being outside in the cold. To remedy this in LightRoom I use the brush tool and apply the following to the red areas.

  • Lower the contrast

  • Slightly raise the exposure

  • Lower the saturation

The last thing you can do is go to your HSL/Color tab and increase the luminance of the the red color.

4. Be Efficient When Doing Family Photo Groupings

The grandparents aren’t going to want to stand out in the cold forever. So make sure you know your family groupings ahead of time. I would be sure to prioritize the large group and grandparents first so that they can be on their merry way without catching a cold!

Try out these tips for your future chilling wedding day and remember to channel your inner Elsa! “The cold never bothered me anyway!”


Shooting Your First Wedding | Tips from a Utah Wedding Photographer


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