10 Photo Poses for Couples

Getting ready for a session and need some photo poses for couples?!

You want to make sure your couple feels comfortable, and more importantly, you want them to have such a good time that their smiles are genuine. Let them giggle together and forget you are even there! 

Love is in the air and this Northern Utah Photographer has some poses and silly prompts up her sleeves that will keep your couples enjoying themselves on their photoshoot! 

10 Photo Poses for Couples | Tips from Tana Metcalf Photos, a Northern Utah Photographer

1 | The Bear Hug 

For this pose, you want to have the taller partner stand in the back and hug around the upper chest of their shorter partner while grabbing their own wrist.

The shorter partner in the front can grab onto the hands of the taller partner so it looks really cuddly and close.

Now to make this pose look natural for couples, have the partners try to look at each other and sway. This way they can loosen up and have a good time!

10 Photo Poses for Couples | Tips from Tana Metcalf Photos, a Northern Utah Photographer

2 | The Airplane 

For this second pose, have the taller partner stand behind the other and interlace their fingers with their arms stretched out.

I have my couples rock their arms and bodies from side to side in this pose.

I will say to just be careful that when they lean backward and away from your camera their arms are not blocking their faces. This will ensure you get the best shot. 

10 Photo Poses for Couples | Tips from Tana Metcalf Photos, a Northern Utah Photographer

3 | The Booty Bump

Have your couples pose by grabbing onto their partner's arm and – while they are walking forward – booty bump each other!

Don’t let them hit too hard or their partner will fly out of the shot or start screaming/looking panicked.

Although they might still laugh… we just want a slight giggle and bump to occur for the shot! 

10 Photo Poses for Couples | Tips from Tana Metcalf Photos, a Northern Utah Photographer

4 | The Shoulder Squat 

Now, I’d like to caution this pose for couples!

If possible and safe to do, have the larger partner squat down, while the lighter partner sits on their shoulder and holds onto the base’s hands. They will rise up to a stand position and then have the base partner sway side to side to create natural laughter and movement in the photo.

That’s the shot!

10 Photo Poses for Couples | Tips from Tana Metcalf Photos, a Northern Utah Photographer

5 | The Sweet Nothings 

Direct the first partner to whisper in the other partner's ear for this couple’s pose. Prompt them to say something funny or inappropriate to encourage laughter. If they don’t know what to say, tell them to whisper “Rutabaga” slowly and in a sexy voice.

This will usually work to get some laughter going for the perfect shot. 

10 Photo Poses for Couples | Tips from Tana Metcalf Photos, a Northern Utah Photographer

6 | The Nose Nuzzle

For this couple’s pose, prompt them by touching foreheads and nuzzling noses.

They can laugh or close their eyes for a sweet and intimate moment based on the couple's personalities.

I like to shoot this pose up close as well as far away. I think it lends itself to many uses. 


7 | Swing Your Partner, Dosey Do

Remember when you were little kids and would grab hands and spin around? That is exactly what this couple's pose is!

It sounds silly BUT it induces lots of laughter and it looks good from the close-up crop or from far away! 


8| The Twirl

Have your taller member of the couple grab their partner's back arm and spin them around.

You might have to do this a few times to get some different angles, the hair spinning, or an up-close shot of their faces. 


9 | The Booty Lift

This couple’s pose requires you to have the stronger partner squat and grab their own wrist around the other partner's thighs. Then lift up for the pose.

You can have the partners kiss, gaze into each other’s eyes, or have them sway side to side so you can get motion in the hair or a dress.

Get creative for this shot.


10 | Take the Lead 

For this last couple's pose, have one partner guide the other as they walk forward.

You can prompt the couple to still look back at each other and smile or whatever you think fits their personalities best. 

10 Photo Poses for Couples | Tips from Tana Metcalf Photos, a Northern Utah Photographer

There are a million poses you can use for your shoots, but here are just 10 poses for couples I use to loosen up the couple and make sure they are having fun in their photos. I always have these in my pocket as my go-to shots!

Whatever you do, make sure they are laughing, comfortable, and having a good time! That will make for the best photos!




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