3 Tips for Fall Photo Shoots in Northern Utah

Are you a Fall fanatic? Do you love sweater weather, the changing colors, Halloween, hot drinks, and all things apple. ME TOO! As a Northern Utah Photographer, here are some tips and tricks to shooting in this gorgeous landscape that lights up with color come fall!

1. Best time of Year

The best time of year to visit Northern Utah, and capture those fall colors on camera, is from late September to early October. If you wait until the end of October or early November you will still be able to capture some leaves in your photos, but may end up with more of the muted browns as the colors are fading by this time.

2. Places to Go

If you are in town, you’ve got to check out the Alpine Loop, the Nebo Loop, go mountain biking at Sundance resort, or try out one of my favorite things to do as a local - hit up the Cliff Spa! All of these spots have epic views of the leaves!

For photos though, sometimes these popular spots can be challenging to shoot as they are full of people, there are not many places to park, and the canyons get backed up with traffic at this time of year.

A couple places I would recommend shooting is at Jordan Pines. Still crowded, but enough nooks and different spots that you shouldn’t be butting heads with other photographers. Drive up even further to the campgrounds for a more secluded shoot!

There is also the less traveled Butterfield Canyon in Herriman that has lots of bright Oranges you don’t see in the foliage everywhere in UT.

3. Tips for shooting in the Fall Leaves

Bring a friend to throw leaves during your shoot for a magical “Colors of the Wind” shot.

OR a trick for mud patches, or “ugly spots” in your scenery is to take some fallen leaves and hold them in front of the lens to make it appear like there are leaves enclosing around your couple and the gorgeous colors are everywhere (Even though we know that is not always the case!)

Whatever you do, you’ve got to hit up northern Utah in the Fall! You won’t regret it!


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